
In world of small-term metrics, create advertising with lasting impact: Jacques Séguéla, Lion of St Mark, Cannes 2024

Honoured with the Lion of St Mark for his six-decade career, Jacques Séguéla took the stage of Cannes Lions 2024 for a keynote that regarding the role of data in creativity

Khushi Keswani
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Jacques Séguéla,n
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Cannes: Honoured with the Lion of St Mark for his six-decade career, Jacques Séguéla took the stage of Cannes Lions 2024 for a keynote that regarding the role of data in creativity.

Séguéla placed a strong emphasis on the power of ideas in advertising. "Money has no ideas. Only ideas make money." 

His message comes during the age of targeted advertising where there is an increased need for impactful ideas to cut through the noise of hyper-personalised messaging. Bland or data-driven-only campaigns wouldn't be enough, he added.

Sharing a humorous anecdote, he highlighted the importance of collaboration in today's advertising landscape, especially when navigating the complexities of new technologies.  He recounted, "Look, look, my baby is so beautiful," he said, referring to a creative concept, "but the marketing guy replies, 'It's not strategic.'”

Séguéla's story went on to illustrate the challenges of balancing creativity with practicality,  a struggle that is even more relevant in the age of the metaverse where collaboration with game developers and UX designers is crucial.

He spoke about the importance of creating ideas that not only have lasting value for brands, but also contribute to positive social change. As he perceives, a brand's greatest asset is not its logo or jingle, but its soul. "Our job is not just to sell products. Our job is to give brands the only thing that resonates with today's consumers: authenticity." 

Creating a brand with a purpose and an emotional connection, but also one that feels genuine, is key to achieving long-term success.

Séguéla's most profound message, however, came from a story inspired by the Dalai Lama.  He explained, "The Dalai Lama asked his student, 'What is the opposite of life?'  The student answered, 'Death.' The Dalai Lama replied, 'Certainly not. The opposite of life is birth. We need a shot of eternity every day.'"   

This anecdote resonated deeply  with Séguéla, who argued that "Our job is not to sell yoghourts and cars. Our job is to give brands the only immortal value in this world. A soul." 

In a world obsessed with short-term metrics, Séguéla championed the creation of advertising that has lasting impact and emotional connection.

Concluding his speech, Séguéla outlined four core principles for success in advertising:

  • Importance of ideas (even in the data age)
  • Optimism
  • Adaptability (to the ever-changing tech landscape)
  • Creating meaningful work with social impact
creativity advertising audience technology idea Cannes 2024