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Prime Video announced the addition of Chaupal, Punjabi video streaming service, to Prime Video Channels.
Chaupal offers a curated line-up of popular Punjabi language content including a wide library of the latest and blockbuster Punjabi movies and web series, as per company statement.
Prime members can now purchase an annual add-on annual subscription to Chaupal at Rs 599, available only through Prime Video Channels.
Mahesh Sharma, Vice-President - Strategic Partnership and Alliances, Chaupal, said, “With Chaupal, we want to provide the best Punjabi language content to our viewers. For us, this integration is a milestone, and we believe it will have a significant impact in driving the Punjabi content consumption across the length and breadth of this country in the long-term. We are thrilled to partner with Prime Video Channels to offer subscribers relevant, world-class Punjabi entertainment and, at the same time, take our content deeper across India.”