
The possibilities and challenges of using ChatGPT in advertising reached out to experts to learn more about how the newest AI tool, making waves across the globe, can impact advertising

Nisha Qureshi
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The possibilities and challenges of using ChatGPT in advertising

Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT is the newest buzzword in the advertising and marketing world.

It was launched by San Francisco-based OpenAI, the creator of DALL·E 2 and Whisper.

According to Open AI CEO Sam Altman, ChatGPT generated 1 million+ users within 24 hours.

As forecasted by Gartner, Generative AI will account for 10% of the data that is produced, up from less than 1% now in the next 3 years.

Actor Ryan Reynolds, who is also the Founder of Maximum Effort- a digital agency and film production company, recently showed how the AI tool can be used in advertising by asking it to create an ad for Mint mobile. 

The actor read out the criteria provided to ChatGPT and the AI-generated script that met the criteria. He termed the technology, ‘mildly terrifying, but compelling.’ 

Since its launch, brands have been experimenting with creating content using Chat GPT. Most recently, the matrimonial website, experimented with Generative AI and below are the results.

So how can ChatGPT be used in advertising? 

By its own definition, ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) is a large language model developed by OpenAI. “One potential application is in the creation of ad copy, as ChatGPT is able to generate human-like text that can be used to craft compelling and engaging advertisements. Another potential use case for ChatGPT in advertising is in the generation of social media content. Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to generate captions for video ads, which can be a powerful tool for engaging with viewers. ChatGPT can also be used in personalising customer interactions through chatbots and voice assistants,” the platform said.

Mukund Olety, CCO, VMLY&R, said that its usage can be multi-fold in the advertising and marketing field and it can increase personalisation, better analysis of customer data and more.

“ChatGPT can affect the advertising and marketing industries in a number of ways. One way is through the use of conversational marketing, where businesses can use the model to create more natural and personalised interactions with customers through chatbots or virtual assistants. Additionally, ChatGPT can be used to analyse customer data and provide insights for targeted advertising and personalisation. It could also be used to generate creative content for ads and marketing campaigns. However, it's important to note that these are just a few examples of the potential uses and the impact of ChatGPT on the industry will depend on how it is implemented and used by businesses,” Olety said. 

Arun Prasad, Global Marketing Head, Aurionpro Solutions, said, “Tools like ChatGPT may be quite useful for businesses that proactively leverage technology. Through the automation of repetitive tasks and the promotion of more engaging user interactions, chat-based AI can increase human productivity. Customer service is an area where many firms have scope for improvement. By employing ChatGPT technology to generate responses for their own customer service chatbots, businesses may automate a variety of tasks that are typically handled by people and substantially shorten response times.” 

According to him, there are several areas where ChatGPT can be applied in digital marketing- in areas like content creation, personalisation, ad copy, e-mail marketing etc. 

The tool can create everything from copies to scripts. So, does it mean that jobs in advertising are under threat?

Vinay Tamboli, Sr Vice-President, Digital Analytics, Products and Consulting Business at LS Digital, said that instead of affecting jobs, the tool will lead to increased productivity. 

“You cannot blindly rely on it, as some of the content could be very sensitive. ChatGPT can greatly help with formats, words etc but human intelligence is still required to make it appropriate,” he explained. 

Olety of VMLY&R stated, “No, AI cannot replace creativity. Creativity is a unique human ability that involves the generation of new and original ideas. While AI can be trained to generate new ideas, it is not capable of truly creating something original in the way that a human can. AI can be used to assist with creative tasks, such as generating new art or music, but it cannot replace the human element of creativity.” 

As per Prasad of Aurionpro Solutions, one of the big challenges that need to be taken care of while using the platform is the lack of creativity.

“While ChatGPT is great at understanding and responding to human inputs, it may not always be able to come up with truly creative or original ideas.” 

He further said, “Use of AI models like ChatGPT in digital marketing and advertising may raise ethical concerns, such as issues around transparency and consumer trust.” 

“One is that the use of AI in creative fields could lead to a decrease in the number of jobs available for human creators. Additionally, the use of AI to create art and music could lead to a decrease in the value of human-created art, as it may be seen as less unique or special. Another potential negative consequence is that AI-generated content may lack the emotional depth, personal touch and cultural understanding that human-created content has. It could also perpetuate biases in the data it was trained on and perpetuate stereotypes. It's important to consider the ethical, cultural, and social implications of using AI in creative fields and to ensure that we are using it in a way that is responsible and beneficial to society,” said Olety. 

On a concluding note, Olety stated that jobs won’t get affected due to the rise of ChatGPT. “I don’t think it will replace human beings. But human beings using Generative AI tools will replace those who don’t use them. These tools push us to constantly innovate and expand the boundaries of creativity and advertising.”

AI VMLY&R OpenAI talent ChatGPT Ryan Reynolds advertising LS Digital