
Using conversational languages on UI leads to better conversion rate: Google India's Pratyush Sinha

More than 60% users want content exclusively in their language, said Sinha, Mobile Transformation Lead, Google India, citing a research conducted by his team

Tanzila Shaikh
New Update
Using conversational languages on UI leads to better conversion rate: Google India's Pratyush Sinha

Pratyush Sinha

Using regional languages makes the audience more comfortable with the e-commerce ecosystem and can lead to a bigger consumer base, said Pratyush Sinha, Mobile Transformation Lead, Google India. Sharing the findings from research, he also said that a majority of users want content in their language.

“We did research on Tier 2, Tier 3 internet users across the city and found out that majority of these users started their online journey in the last five years, they are still getting comfortable with the internet. More than 60% of users wanted content exclusively in their language. Using conversational languages in the mother tongue/colloquial languages on the user interface (UI) to reach the audiences had more conversion rate,” Sinha said.

Sinha said this while taking a session on the topic of 5 principles of building online experiences in Indian Languages, dwelling on the increasing linguistic diversity of Indian internet users and the growing need for a colloquial language user interface, at MMA Impact India, The Future of Modern Marketing.

The five principles according to Sinha are- using conversational language, building digital confidence, making key information easily discoverable, being visual and to prioritise voice.”

He also said that the brands have to work on building digital confidence amongst the consumers. Since all the users are new to the internet, the key pieces of information should be easily discoverable and it will build trust amongst them for the brand.

Visual components with easy interpretation to tap into the regional consumers can help brands to generate a better ROI.

One example which Sinha gave was that of HDFC Mutual Funds, which created an end-to-end experience for consumers in their own languages, resulting in 2x growth in Tier 2, and Tier 3 cities.

Pratyush Sinha Google India