Delhi: The launch ceremony of Live Times was marked by the presence of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and a host of other guests. It was held on August 23, 2024.
In his keynote address, Adityanath elaborated on the role of the media as the fourth pillar of democracy, emphasising its responsibility to reflect the sentiments and needs of the common people.
He also highlighted that India is moving rapidly towards development, and in such times, news with facts reaches the world with clarity and strength.
The event was further graced by the presence of Deepa Malik, the first Indian woman to win a medal in the Paralympic Games, along with other Industry leaders.
Dilip Singh, Founder, CEO, and Editor-in-Chief of Live Times, expressed his gratitude and shared his vision for the channel, stating, "In a world where misinformation often overshadows truth, Live Times stands firm as a beacon of reliable journalism. The overwhelming support we've received at this launch reinforces our belief that there is a strong demand for unbiased and factual news. Our commitment is to deliver news that matters—news that is factual, unbiased, and serves the public interest.”
The channel has forged partnerships with technology providers such as Grass Valley, Ross, Panasonic, Live U, Octopus, NewTek, Sony, Sennheiser, Harmonic, Blackmagic Design, Adobe, Planetcast, Juniper, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and RiverSilica. Content partnerships with PTI and Reuters, along with service collaborations with Tata Communications, Airtel, BSNL, and Jio, ensure a robust and reliable distribution network, which includes Tata Play, Digital TV, and GTPL. The Voice of Specially Abled People is a special partner.