
OpenAI signs $250M deal with News Corp

The deal includes current and archived articles from media outlets of The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, The Sun, and other News Corp publications such as the New York Post and The Times

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Delhi: OpenAI has signed a $250 million, five-year deal with News Corp, granting it access to content from numerous publishers to train its AI models, according to media reports. 

This includes current and archived articles from The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, The Sun, and other News Corp publications such as the New York Post and The Times. 

Although the exact terms weren't disclosed, it's reportedly estimated that News Corp will receive $250 million in cash and credits.

OpenAI has similar agreements with other media companies like Reddit, the Financial Times, and the Associated Press. 

Likewise, News Corp recently made a $5-6 million deal with Google for AI model training.
