
Creativity as an economic multiplier is not just a statement: Neville Shah

FCB Kinnect’s recently appointed Chief Creative Officer, Neville Shah, believes that creativity extends far beyond the realm of advertising. He believes it can be a powerful tool across industries, driving economic growth not just through brand building, but also through process optimisation and cost reduction

Khushi Keswani
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Neville Shah
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Mumbai: Today, amid echo chambers and oneness, individuality might suffer the torments of deprived creative inspiration. 

But Neville Shah, Chief Creative Officer at FCB Kinnect, prioritises and expects the industry to stick to the "craft of creating ideas" over quick turnarounds. 

He acknowledged the potential of AI tools but warned against their uncritical adoption. "These tools shouldn't replace crafting time," he stressed while also highlighting the importance of human ingenuity in refining and developing ideas. 

Shah argued that the pressure to churn out content quickly can lead to a decline in quality. He worried that the industry might be overlooking the value of meticulous crafting—the process of honing ideas and imbuing them with depth and resonance. This meticulousness, he believes, is what separates truly impactful work from forgettable mediocrity.

Creativity as an economic multiplier

Shah's vision of creativity extends far beyond the realm of advertising. He believes it can be a powerful tool across industries, driving economic growth not just through brand building but also through process optimisation and cost reduction. 

"Creativity as an economic multiplier is not just a statement," Shah asserted. "It means creativity can come from anywhere, and the application of that creativity can be anywhere. You can apply it in a business process such that costs on any other wasted efforts can be minimised, and the benefits can be multiplied." 

This aligns with a recent report by the World Economic Forum, which highlights the growing importance of creativity and problem-solving skills in the future workforce. The report suggests that as automation disrupts traditional job markets, the ability to think creatively and develop innovative solutions will be paramount for economic prosperity. (source: World Economic Forum report on creativity in the workforce)

The ripple effect of great storytelling

Shah's ultimate goal is to create impactful work that resonates with audiences and drives positive change. He values positive feedback from loved ones but also seeks recognition from industry peers. For Shah, success lies not just in creating catchy slogans or viral campaigns but in crafting genuine connections through powerful storytelling.

"Look, to me, the end goal of a campaign is a WhatsApp message from a relative that says, 'Hey, great work,'" Shah shared, "Because this is popular or you've touched someone's heart, you've made someone laugh, you've made someone cry..." 

Shah believes that stories with emotional depth can leave a lasting impression on consumers, fostering brand loyalty. 

Shah then went on to emphasise that building iconic brands is a marathon, not a sprint. He cautioned against chasing the fleeting allure of overnight brand iconicity. "It takes time to become an icon," Shah explained. "Sachin Tendulkar didn't become an icon by playing two innings. It takes time to become an icon. If you want to chase iconicity, then you are chasing the wrong thing. If you chase a good thing, you will become an icon, according to me." 

Shah's vision for the future is one where creativity is recognised and nurtured as a crucial driver of economic growth. By fostering a culture of creativity throughout the organisation, businesses can unlock a range of economic benefits, including innovation, which leads to the development of new products, services, and processes that can drive revenue growth, employee engagement, and brand differentiation. 

Shah's emphasis on creativity as an economic multiplier offers a refreshing perspective in today's data-driven world. By prioritising craft, authenticity, and collaboration, businesses can unlock the immense potential of creativity to achieve not just brand success but also contribute to a more innovative and thriving economy. 

As Shah himself concluded, "I think you should tell your story. Simple as that. Tell your story. Tell it the way you want to. Just tell your story." It is through these authentic and creative narratives that businesses can truly connect with consumers, drive growth, and leave a lasting impact on the world.
