
Air India Express launches brand sonic identity

The airline also revealed a Middle Eastern rendition, acknowledging the significance of its 13 destinations in the Gulf

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Air India Express launches brand sonic identity

Air India Express infused a festive spirit in its signature sonic identity, infusing holiday vibes to its brand music in-flight. Alongside the festive addition, Air India Express also recorded a Middle Eastern version of its sonic identity.  

The sonic identity of Air India Express was developed in a three-stage process originating with the brand's distinctive personality of intuitiveness, style, accessibility, and warmth.

The Air India Express sonic identity embodies the brand essence depicting three distinct rasas of Indian classical music – karuna (empathy), adbhuta (wonder) and veera (valour), as per the company statement.

The sonic identity also incorporates a distinct take on the signature two-tone airline announcement ‘chime.’ The Christmas-themed sonic identity is designed to resonate with the holiday spirit, offering a unique and memorable sensory experience. 

Siddhartha Butalia, Chief Marketing Officer, Air India Express, said, “Travel is meant to be about new experiences and lasting memories, and music resonates emotionally with both a universality in the way we experience it as well as a cultural specificity. Like our brand, our sonic identity has been crafted to deliver a more holistic and memorable sensory experience. It encapsulates the essence the new Air India Express brand and positioning, embodying the ‘Explorer’ and the ‘Everyperson’ archetypes, and inviting travellers to ‘Fly as You Are’ with a more liberating travel experience empowered by digitally driven personalisation. Our brand identity is reflected in our vision to inspire new possibilities and make meaningful connections with unmatched Indian warmth. Like the unique patterns of India on the tail of every new aircraft we are inducting, our sonic identity reflects the rich heritage and tapestry of our culture while resonating the vibrancy and confidence of a progressive and pluralistic future.” 

Using the science of sound and the art of music, the sonic identity was developed in collaboration with BrandMusiq.

For the Middle East, Air India Express has thoughtfully adapted its sonic identity to resonate with the rich cultural nuances of the region. The Middle Eastern rendition of the sonic identity uniquely interprets sound as a unifying force between diverse regions, recognising music as a universal language.

Air India Express is featuring various artistic renditions of its sonic identity in its brand launch film, brand manifesto audio-visual, in-flight and at various customer engagement platforms including in its website, contact centre and multilingual Chatbot Tia.

BrandMusiq Siddhartha Butalia chime holiday spirit Middle Eastern rendition brand sonic identity Air India Express