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The Delhi High Court has passed an order to restrain KCM Appliances from manufacturing or selling its ‘Impex Dripless’ range of pressure cookers or any other pressure cooker which infringes, or results in piracy of, the suit design of TTK Prestige.
TTK Prestige filed a suit for injunction against Impex Dripless Pressure Cooker Design of KCM Appliances before the Delhi High Court as a “precautionary measure” to protect its Svachh Pressure Cooker design.
The order was passed on April 13, 2023.
TTK Prestige shared in a statement that the court had further directed that all references to any such similar design, including the design of the Impex Dripless Pressure cooker, shall immediately be removed from all physical and virtual sites.
“Furthermore, KCM Appliances has been instructed to contact all e-commerce platforms selling pressure cookers with the impugned design and inform them to immediately stop selling the products,” read the company statement.