
Air India contemplates action against over ad claiming to build airline's prototype app

The software company has claimed that it has built a prototype app for the airlines meanwhile Air India has declined's claims

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Air India contemplates action against over ad claiming to build airline's prototype app

A software company launched an advertising campaign on February 17, 2022 across print and digital media, claiming they have developed a prototype app for Air India. However, the airline refuted these claims and further added that it is ‘contemplating suitable action against the issuer of the advertisement’.

According to the statement from Air India, put out on Twitter, the airline has not awarded any contract or given any permission to to make any app for them. “This prototype app has been developed without the involvement or consent of Air India,” the airline said. 

Air India also warned the public that any information collected by the advertiser could be misused and the airline would not be responsible for any loss arising due to this.

The airline, which has returned to the Tata Group, also said that they are not going to hand out any free-tickets as was reportedly being promoted as part of the activity by

In response to the statement issued by the airline, the software company said its intention was solely to ‘surprise’ Air India with the prototype app. 

“Hey #AIFly - we’re heartbroken. Our genuine intention was to surprise you with a gift of a prototype, with love. Let’s meet. Flights are purchased and awarded by, as it’s our campaign,” the reply to AI’s post, containing the statement, from read.

Many Twitter users also slammed the leading English newspapers for carrying the advertisement without a proper-background check and for not providing all details.

“Damn it. I have scanned it. Believing it to be your as it was front full page add on @EconomicTimes. You should file a case against both Builder Ai and Times,” said a Twitter user under Air India’s tweet. 

“How irresponsible of leading newspapers to publish whatever they get paid for!. Thanks, AirIndia for alerting general public,” said another tweet in response. Air India