Colors Tamil, the youngest GEC of Tamil Nadu, has announced the launch of its brand new spoof comedy show, 'Kanni Theevu Ullasa Ulagam 2.0'. Premiering August 1, 2021, Sunday at 7 pm, the show will follow the story of King Jalsanandha (Actor Robo Shankar) and various rib-tickling acts that happen in his cast away island – Kanni Theevu Ullasa Ulagam 2.0. With a slew of stars anticipating their turn to visit the island, the launch episode will see the gorgeous, expression queen Varalaxmi Sarathkumar as a guest. The show will be telecast every Sunday at 7 pm.
Recreating the feel of an exotic island, the sets of Kanni Theevu, with its unparalleled grandeur, is sure to transport the audience to a whole new world. The one hour show is spread across four segments each funnier than the other. Along with Actor – Comedian Robo Shankar, the show will also present popular television artists and actor Madhumita in a fun-new avatar, Baby Matha, and renowned actor Shakeela as Raja Matha. Joining the comedy club every Sunday is also All Access Rajaguru essayed by Dindugal Saravanan, comedy duo Mullai and Gothandam the R&D scientists of the island and Amuthavanan who performs skits to keep the king entertained.
Commenting on the launch of the show, Anup Chandrasekharan, Business Head, Colors Tamil, said, “We are thrilled to be launching Kanni Theevu Ullasa Ulagam 2.0. With the whos who of comedy world roped in to perform under one roof, this show will definitely set a new benchmark in the Tamil GEC space. Our proposition to offer viewers refreshing content has been the driving force behind such truly innovative and creative shows. We are confident that King Jalsa and his island residents will become a household favourite instantly.”
Commenting on the occasion, popular actor/comedian Robo Shankar said, “I’m glad to start my second innings on television with a young, dynamic channel like Colors Tamil. The idea of Kanni Theevu is very unique and brilliant, and I am thrilled to play the character King Jalsananda. It feels great to be working alongside a talented cast. The show is going to be a laugh riot, and we can’t wait to show our viewers what we have been working on.”