
Wunderman Thompson South Asia's '21 Times Health' report: Effects of coronavirus on health, pharma, wellness categories

The team at Wunderman Thompson South Asia conducted a lockdown study in 32 Indian cities. 21 Times Health is an attempt to identify mindset and behaviour shift among consumers so that brands can reconfigure their relevance and emerge stronger

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Wunderman Thompson South Asia's '21 Times Health' report: Effects of coronavirus on health, pharma, wellness categories

Wunderman Thompson South Asia’s report titled ‘21 Times Health’ is an incisive look at the effects of the coronavirus disease pandemic and the resulting lockdown on the health, pharma and wellness categories.

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As the world slowly inches back to normal, many categories will find themselves being redefined. Studies show that 21 days is the minimum time required to change a habit. With the extended lockdown, the Indian consumer has got more time than that! And with a strong emotional and economic motive to boot! For many categories, the day the lockdown lifts will be ‘Day 1’ in many ways. 21 Times Health is a look at some trends that can help us get ready for that day.

The team at Wunderman Thompson South Asia conducted a lockdown study among Indian households in 32 cities in 15 states* to capture their changing mindsets and behaviours around health, pharma and wellness, besides speaking with various brand and field experts to corroborate the findings. Inputs that found their way into this project also included various Covid-19 reports compiled by different Wunderman Thompson offices around the world, reports by research agencies like Kantar, experts opinions, articles from various publications, studies on global financial crisis in 2008 and so on.

Tarun Rai

Tarun Rai, Chairman and Group CEO, Wunderman Thompson, South Asia, said, “There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic is unlike anything we’ve seen before. And unlike some of the crises we have witnessed in the past few decades, this will have a much deeper impact on not just the economy but also on society. There is an urgent need, therefore, to rethink, relook at emerging data, and reload for the future. This health and wellness category report is our attempt to do just that. We hope it helps our partners to navigate through this crisis and come out stronger as they emerge into the post-covid world.”

Ajeeta Bharadwaj

Commenting on the report, Ajeeta Bharadwaj, National Planning Director, Wunderman Thompson India, said, “The Covid-19 pandemic is making structural changes in mindsets and marketplaces, alike. It is changing the hierarchy of benefits and crash-coursing the education of certain categories, it is forcing a rethink on the way things are made, stacked and served and digitising behaviors at a scale that would have been hard to imagine. 21 Times Health is an attempt to identify these shifts and the opportunities emerging from them, so that brands can reconfigure their relevance and emerge stronger.”

Click here to view full report

Coronavirus Wunderman Thompson 21 Times Health