The vernacular medium would evolve in 2020 and OTTs would continue to dominate in the digital space, predicted Amit Tolani, Chief Marketing Officer, Ceat Tyres Limited.
In a conversation with, Tolani said the 3Vs — video, vernacular and voice — will be the brand’s focus areas as it plans to invest much more in creating more video and rich media assets going forward.
What were your unmet expectations in 2019 that you wish to achieve in 2020? What factors would help you meet your goals?
We’ve embarked on our digital journey and we’d like to have a healthy mix of traditional and digital to ensure that we have a holistic 360-degree approach. That would be our way forward. We would also look at our ROI to be much more efficient and optimal.
One thing in marketing that you couldn't implement this year but like to do it next year, and the factors?
One thing that we would like to implement next year is leverage the growing potential of voice search. There are certain capabilities to be built in your owned media itself to leverage this new trend, which we are planning to build upon.
How do you see advertising and marketing trends evolving in 2020?
Vernacular medium would definitely continue to be an evolving trend in 2020. OTTs will continue to dominate in the digital space with their new suite of offerings and evolving opportunities for brands to engage.
How will your budget allocation for various mediums change in 2020? Would it be different than your category?
3Vs — video, vernacular and voice — would continue to be our focus in 2020. We plan to invest much more in creating more video and rich media assets going forward. Also, a lot more focus would be there to drive hyperlocal visibility of our retail shop formats through online initiatives.
What's your brand's outlook in the next three years?
Ceat has been around for 40 years now and our ‘Top of the Mind Brand Awareness’ scores have always been great, and we endeavour to continue that way.