
Adobe Advertising Cloud helps advertisers understand consumers in a better way, says Vikram Chande of Adobe India

Speaking at Adobe Symposium, Chande, Head Advertising Cloud, also shares how digital has evolved over the years. Saurabh Khetrapal, Programmatic Specialist, Adobe, elaborates on how the programmatic solution will target the audience accurately, and understand their profiles and behavioural pattern

Akanksha Nagar
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Adobe Advertising Cloud helps advertisers understand consumers in a better way, says Vikram Chande of Adobe India

Traditional advertising started with one single channel but today digital advertising has evolved and become a multi-channel, multi-inventory and a highly personalised experience for customers, says Vikram Chande, Head Advertising Cloud, Adobe India.

Speaking at Adobe Symposium 2019 held in Mumbai, Chande said digital advertising has a lot of influence on the customer experience and all brands want to reach out to customers in a more sophisticated and personalised way. Saurabh Khetrapal, Programmatic Specialist, Adobe, pointed out where brands are lagging behind in analytics and understanding customers and explained how Adobe Advertising Cloud can be a solution for advertisers.

Vikram Chande

“We are looking at customers in a much more holistic way giving them a secure environment which is fully personalised when it comes to delivering messages to them. We want to engage them better, give them better offerings,” said Chande.

Adobe Advertising Cloud is part of its larger advertising cloud that looks at seamless integration when it comes to analytical and marketing. All this is powered by AI machine-learning algorithm which gives a platform a much more intelligent space to work with. Through the solution, the software company is looking at delivering a highly personalised creative and tailored message to the audiences.

He said, “We work with all our major partners that include Hotstar, Spotify, etc, when it comes to delivering quality outside the walled gardens and platforms that include social, OTT, digital, video and audio.”

Elaborating on how Adobe Advertising Cloud simplifies the execution of media plan by personalising dynamic creative for high-value audiences, Khetrapal said Adobe advertising cloud via its programmatic advertising solution helps advertisers to forecast the best media mix of search, display, social, digital and video. He talked about the native integrations with Adobe Analytics and Adobe Audience Manager.

“Through advertising cloud, we are looking at reaching out to customers to understand user profiles, their behavioural pattern in a more targeted way,” he added.

Explaining on how 85% of the brands say their segmentation strategy is based on broad, simple clustering, 78% of the companies are considered laggards in analytics and 61% of companies don’t have a strategy to activate their data, Khetrapal suggested how the programmatic solution would work in their favour. 

He said, “It utilises segmentation to identify valuable customers. It activates upon valuable data to drive efficient optimisation. It derives deeper insights based on user behaviour and achieves personalisation at scale through maximising data use.”

Explaining the functionality of the solution, he further said, “Through Adobe advertising and Adobe analytics cloud, all the data can directly be integrated with each other, to create the workflows. With this, you can get to know what audience is doing on your site and identify the most valuable audience from there, rather targeting and getting audiences. That is where you can serve a much more connected experience.”

Khetrapal discussed how the whole journey is trackable in the downstream, as in what pages a user was browsing, spending how much time, so that a brand can leverage the data accordingly.

“Similarly, through segmentation, you can easily identify the user whether it is an artist, photographer or a movie maker, and simply activate them individually with appropriate content and provide a seamless experience,” he added.

Adobe Advertising Cloud Vikram Chande Adobe India Adobe Symposium