FYI TV18 premiered an eight-episode series titled ‘Making A Model With Yolanda Hadid’ on January 26. The series follows six young aspiring models and their mothers as they travel to New York City, shack up under one roof and pursue their dreams of becoming a supermodel. The channel airs it on Saturday and Sunday at 8pm.
Super models Gigi and Bella Hadid’s mom Yolanda, who herself has been a former model and television personality, tries to mould aspiring teenage models to succeed on the runway. This former model and mum to the famous model siblings will bring her expertise to the forefront as she coaches aspiring teen models to succeed on and off the catwalk.
Through an intensive eight-week training programme, focused on the physical, mental and emotional wellness, Yolanda will put the girls and their moms through a series of lessons and assignments. With a $5,000 weekly prize on the line, only one girl will be left standing to win a management contract with Yolanda’s company and the opportunity to be represented by IMG Models in New York.
Media contact:
Varun Bhatia