Madison Media has been appointed as the agency-on-record for Continental Coffee. Pegged at Rs 25 crore per annum, the account was won following a multi-agency pitch. Madison will handle the duties across media platforms – print, TV, radio, cinema, OOH and digital.
Praveen Jaipuriar, CEO, Continental Coffee, said, “We are in an exciting phase right now where a lot of work is happening around building the brand. We are confident that the collaboration with Madison would help the brand grow to the next level.”
Vikram Sakhuja, Group CEO, Media and OOH, Madison, said, “We are extremely pleased and proud to be appointed as the Media AOR for Continental Coffee. This is a category with very few truly large players and the opportunity to help create a strong and loved brand with Continental is an exciting one.”
Dinesh Rathod, Chief Operating Officer, Madison Media Omega, said, “We are delighted to be associated with Continental Coffee at this stage of the brand’s evolution. Consumers today are seeking international quality and premium experiences in the category and Continental Coffee is uniquely poised to deliver those with decades of experience in creating the perfect blends. We look forward to exciting work on the account and partnering the brand on its growth journey.”
For the record, Continental Coffee was founded in the year 1994 with the vision of creating the finest and the richest instant coffee in the world. The company has an Export Oriented Unit (EOU) with the right to import green coffee from any part of the world and export processed coffee across the globe, devoid of any duties. Today, Continental Coffee is one of the world’s largest coffee processor and exports to more than 60 countries across the globe.
Madison Media Group is a part of Madison World which also has specialist units in advertising, business analytics, out-of-home, PR, mobile, retail, sports and entertainment; employing over 1000 communication professionals across India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Bangladesh.