
Idea partners with Magzter to offer digital news and magazines

Idea customers can now access over 1,00,000 issues of 4,000+ national and international magazines across 60+ languages, on the MyIdea App

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Idea partners with Magzter to offer digital news and magazines

Idea Cellular has partnered with digital magazine newsstand Magzter to offer its customers access to digital magazines and news from within the MyIdea App.

Idea along with Magzter has brought together news content not just in English and Hindi, but in many other Indian vernacular languages. This alliance will enable Idea customers to read over 1,00,000 issues of 4,000+ national and international magazines, which spread across 60+ languages including English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati and Urdu.

“We have witnessed a robust increase in our customer’s digital content consumption on all the Idea apps. In line with the expectations of our customers, we have now tied up with Magzter to bring the best of magazines and news in a convenient digital format within the MyIdea App”, said Sunil Tolani, Head – Digital, Idea Cellular. 

This service is currently available on the MyIdea Android version and will be soon available on iOS.

Idea customers can choose between the Gold Lite pack for unlimited access to any five Gold magazines of their choice at Rs.49/month and Gold Pack, which provides unlimited access to 4,000+ Gold magazines at Rs.199/month. Customers can also get the latest national and international news in 7 Languages absolutely free.

idea MyIdea App Magzter