
Urban Ladder partners with Vizury for TV analytics

Vizury's TV analytics provides actionable insights into TV advertisements to overcome the shortcomings of TRP and GRP metrics

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Urban Ladder partners with Vizury for TV analytics

Urban Ladder partners with Vizury for TV analytics

Vizury's TV analytics provides actionable insights into TV advertisements to overcome the shortcomings of TRP and GRP metrics

BestMediaInfo Bureau | Delhi | September 9, 2015


Vizury, a premier big data marketing company, has tied up with Urban Ladder to help measure the efficacy of the online furniture company's television advertisements. Vizury's TV analytics solution determines the spike in website traffic and the period of impact for every ad slot across multiple channels, helping Urban Ladder identify and profile potential customers.

Using brand and third-party based behavioural data of visitors Vizury creates customer personas that are most responsive to brand ads. For example, the infotainment genre has better appeal to parents on Sunday evenings, compared to other time slots. Lifestyle and movies have better appeal to fashion enthusiasts on Fridays. The TV analytics solution also shows where these visitors are coming from and which networks are the right channels to reach them. These insights are based on data mining campaign performance metrics such as source of the lead, moving averages, past engagement, etc.

Website visitors from campaigns such as mailers, display ads, social media outreach and others are isolated from this measurement using modelling techniques and algorithms. The algorithm monitors online behaviour and cross-references this with data on-boarded from all offline touchpoints of the customer.

“As we increase our visibility on television, it is important to find the right tools to measure the effectiveness of the medium. Vizury's new tool is useful to measure important data like traffic attribution to TV and plan optimal channel selection. We look forward to working with Vizury on this to help measure ROI on television effectively,” said Nikhil Ramaprakash, VP - Marketing, Urban Ladder.

Vizury also recommends which channels and time slots are working better to get maximum audience for the allocated budgets as well as the frequency cap for cost optimisation. The solution takes up the challenge faced by TRP (Television Rating Point) and GRP (Gross Rating Point) metrics for TV channels. Companies can now get an in-depth understanding about their advertisement campaigns.

“Television advertising today suffers from a lack of measurability. And as we know, you can't improve something until you can measure it. At Vizury, we set out to find a solution to this problem. With TV analytics, brands can measure impact and effectiveness of TV advertising. Actionable insights from our solution can aid marketers drive better conversions,” remarked Sunil Kumar R, Senior Product Manager – New Initiatives, Vizury.

Vizury's TV analytics addresses three major problems faced in television advertising. The first problem is that they are based on input from predefined sample population which is then extrapolated. The sample sizes for these surveys are small and often extremely skewed. The second problem is that the data provided by TRP is for the programme or slot and is not for the brand. This means TRP cannot provide data specific to individual brands and micro-segments who view them, hence it is not the right measure for ROI. The third problem is user behaviour. Questions like 'to whom is my ad appealing (persona) and how are they interacting with the brand?' remain unanswered. These metrics cannot shine light on customer Life-Time-Value and conversion behaviour.

TRP and GRP have been the benchmark of measurability of TV advertising for several decades. But Vizury feels that these metrics are handicapped in several ways. Its TV analytics provides companies with an alternative to these metrics. Actionable insights down to the individual level and customer profiling are key differentiators of this big data analytics solution.

Vizury Urban Ladder