NYF and Berlin School of Creative Leadership Scholarship winner announced

Martin Strutz, Creative Director of Jung von Matt/Alster Werbeagentur GmbH, has been awarded the scholarship offered to New York Festivals Executive and Grand Jury members

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NYF & Berlin School of Creative Leadership announce scholarship for jury members

NYF and Berlin School of Creative Leadership Scholarship winner announced

Martin Strutz, Creative Director of Jung von Matt/Alster Werbeagentur GmbH, has been awarded the scholarship offered to New York Festivals Executive and Grand Jury members

BestMediaInfo Bureau | Delhi | December 13, 2012

publive-imageNew York Festivals International Advertising Awards and the Berlin School of Creative Leadership have announced the winner of the 'Helga and Michael Conrad Scholarship for New York Festivals Jury Members'. Martin Strutz, Creative Director of Jung von Matt/Alster Werbeagentur GmbH, has been awarded this exclusive scholarship offered for New York Festivals Executive and Grand Jury members. The scholarship provides full tuition support of €53,000 to participate in the Berlin School of Creative Leadership EMBA Programme.

“We are thrilled to be part of this initiative and share this excellent opportunity with our Executive and Grand Jury members,” said Michael O'Rourke, President of International Awards Group and New York Festivals.

The scholarship was made possible through the generous support of the Berlin School President Michael Conrad and his wife Helga Conrad. The Berlin School's mission is to “turn great creatives into great creative leaders” and this award helps further the Berlin School's mission to improve leadership standards in the industry and put creative leaders at the head of creative enterprises.

The Berlin School of Creative Leadership has expanded its global EMBA programme dramatically since its inception in 2006. The school attracts an ever-increasing diverse group of participants from across a wide spectrum of the creative industries including advertising, design, entertainment marketing and media.

“It's such an honour to be selected as the winner of the scholarship," said Strutz, who was on the New York Festivals Grand Jury in 2012. "When I got the call from Michael Conrad I was extremely happy and excited. And, I still am. The EMBA programme is a great opportunity for creatives that adds a new perspective to my professional as well as my personal development.”

As Creative Director of Jung von Matt/Alster Werbeagentur GmbH, Strutz is working on the international Mercedes-Benz passenger cars account with fully integrated campaigns, constantly trying to push the old patterns of the brand communication of Mercedes-Benz and the structure of German ad agencies towards the future. After several years of working on digital and integrated campaigns, Strutz is now looking to learn how to build teams, motivate creatives, and change traditional thinking to achieve success in the future of the industry.

Strutz will begin his EMBA program studies in Berlin on March 10th 2013, joining participants from over 45 countries. The EMBA programme is designed for busy professionals and can be completed in one to two years with five specially designed interdisciplinary two-week modules held in Asia, Europe and North America.

In 2012, Michael Conrad served as New York Festival International Advertising Awards Executive Jury Moderator, with Donald Gunn, Founder of The Gunn Report, for the 55th Annual New York Festivals International Advertising Awards Executive Jury panel.

The 2013 New York Festivals International Advertising Awards is open for entries and will honour the World's Best Advertising at the New York Show taking place on May 1 and 2. For more information go to: http://www.newyorkfestivals.com/main.php?p=2,10


