
More viewers in rural India for Hindi GECs & English entertainment: BARC report

Rural accounted for 2.4 billion out of the total 5.36 billion 30-minute gross impressions in HSM for Hindi GECs, surpassing urban (857 million gross impressions) and 1L+ C&S markets (2 billion gross impressions)

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More viewers in rural India for Hindi GECs & English entertainment: BARC report

Rural accounted for 2.4 billion out of the total 5.36 billion 30-minute gross impressions in HSM for Hindi GECs, surpassing urban (857 million gross impressions) and 1L+ C&S markets (2 billion gross impressions)

Mayur Lookhar | Mumbai | September 9, 2015


BARC India's report, titled 'Time to go rural' sheds light on the TV consumption trends in rural India.

Hindi channels

According to BARC, the 30-minute gross impression (sum of ratings in 000s) was pegged at 9 billion in Hindi Speaking Markets (HSM). Out of this, rural contributed 3.9 billion, which is 44 per cent of the gross billion impressions in HSM. Meanwhile, other urban markets garnered gross impressions of 1.3 billion, while 1L+ C&S markets recorded 3.7 billion 30-minute gross impressions.

Hindi GECS

As far as Hindi GECs are concerned, rural accounted for 2.4 billion out of the total 5.36 billion 30-minute gross impressions in HSM, surpassing urban markets which posted 857 million gross impressions and 1L+ C&S markets, which garnered 2 billion gross impressions in HSM.

Hindi Movies

Of the 2.64 billion 30-minute gross impressions recorded during week 21 to week 32 (sum of ratings in 000s) for Hindi Movies in HSM, rural India's contribution was 1.1 billion.

Hindi News

Meanwhile, when it came to Hindi news, rural India accounted for 37 per cent of the pie at 178 million gross impressions. 1L+ C&S markets had the ;argest share at 45 per cent (236 million) gross impressions. In all, the Hindi news genre garnered 480 million gross impressions across the HSM markets.

English Entertainment

The findings in this genre threw up a real surprise. Of the 8 million 30-minute gross impressions recorded for English entertainment (All India), during week 21 to week 32, rural India contributed 3.4 million. This clearly shows that English entertainment is no longer confined to the just the six urban metros.

And when it comes to English movies, rural India accounted for 45 million of the 122 million 30-minute gross impressions (All India).

English News

In the English news genre, the total 30-minute gross impressions recorded were 7.8 million (All India), of which rural accounted for 2.3 million gross impressions.
